
Studying hard isn't enough to get you into college anymore. 这需要很多财务知识. 我们可以帮你达标.


这是大学理财101. 你会喜欢教练的.

大学学费正在快速上涨. Many Michigan students wonder how they'll afford tuition. Many parents and grandparents wonder how they can pitch in. It's just like taking a test -- having a good grasp of the basics pays off. A representative will gladly meet with you and explain how much money you'll likely need and the best ways to save for college.


Schedule a free consultation and we'll explain the factors that determine your college costs:

  • 活期储蓄
  • 学生何时进入大学
  • 利率
  • 通货膨胀
  • 金融援助
  • 奖学金

The next step is to set up a college savings plan using a wide range of options:

  • 529储蓄计划
  • Coverdell教育储蓄帐户
  • 投资
  • Family help through the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) and Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA)
  • Pre-paid tuition plans, such as the Michigan 教育 Trust (MET)
  • Individual Retirement Accounts, including Roth 爱尔兰共和军s

财富管理专业人士, 科里DenUyl, can work out college savings plans for any family budget.